FALI’s Legislative & Regulatory History
FALI was officially incorporated in 1994 with the express goal of uniting the PI industry in Florida under one unifying association. Previously, there were multiple organizations, each operating independently. With legislative attacks on the profession, the individual association leaders knew a united front was needed to lobby for the profession in Tallahassee. After months of unification talks, the first FALI Board meeting was held on December 4, 1993, followed by the official launch of FALI in 1994. We have been fighting for the profession ever since. Annually the FALI officers meet with our lobbyist in Tallahassee for a legislative overview. We then spend the day with legislators and their staff informing them of our concerns and working to ensure private investigators are represented as new legislation is written. As one legislator told us, "If you aren't at the table, you'll be on the menu." FALI will always be the voice of private investigators in Florida.
Here is a sampling of some of our accomplishments over the years:
- 2023: Elimination of the Sales Tax on private investigative services after 30+ years.
Click HERE for FAQ,
- 2023: Increase in JAC rate from $40 to $50 per hour.
- Elimination of physical addresses of Class A PI Agency licensees from the Division of Licensing (DOL) website. This request must be made in writing to the DoL. Click HERE for details.
- Expansion of calibers to include .40 S&W and .45ACP for Class G Licensees .
- Proposed and passed "Increased Penalties for Unlicensed Activities".
- Proposed and passed the window tint restriction for PIs and agency owned vehicles. Click HERE to access the Statute. If you have tinted your windows to this standard it is recommended you keep a copy in your glove box should you be stopped.
- Defeated bills that would have restricted access to Social Security Numbers to Licensed Florida Private Investigators.
- Assisted Department of Revenue in crafting a refund procedure for insurance companies requesting sales-tax refunds that made sense for private investigators.
- Worked on extension of the length of time for the renewal of the Class A license from 2 years to 3 years.
- Defeated the attempts to move our licensing from the DOL to the Department of Business and Professional Regulations. (DBPR)
Under DOL there are three professions regulated under 493. Under the DBPR we would have been lost, and possibly minimized, among the 34 + services and industries.
- Defeated bills to reduce fees that would be charged to do abandoned property work in Florida.
- Assisted in working out a reciprocal agreement with other states for licensed Florida Private Investigators to work on a temporary basis.
- Worked with DOL on budget reductions that proposed the closing of 6 DOL Offices statewide.
- Assisted in repealing the DOL insurance requirement for private investigators of non-essential coverage.
- Work with other PI associations throughout the country to show support for their position regarding legislation they are facing in their State, and they work with us when we are facing legislation that impacts the profession.
- Consistently monitor bills designed to close public records access for Licensed Private Investigators.
* Assisted in the defeat of hundreds of these bills over the years.
* Presented and spoke before the Governor's Study Committee on Public Records emphasizing the need for public records to remain available for Professional Licensed Investigators.
In addition. . .
- FALI is an active participant in the DOL's Private Investigation, Recovery, and Security Advisory Council (PIRSAC) which meets at least four times a year to advise FDACS and make recommendations relative to the regulation of the 493 professions. Over the years we have been involved in many important decisions by the Council to further protect the profession, and our interests. Click HERE for more details.
- FALI is a member, and active participant in the National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS) which is a national association that keeps abreast of laws and regulations which could hinder or enhance our profession. Individuals may also join NCISS. Every issue of the FALI Forum includes an update from NCISS. Legislation that begins on the federal level can often trickle down to the State level so it's important we are involved in both. Click HERE for more information.