Join Us


We invite you to become a member of FALI today.  When you join us you will understand why we say, "powerful things happen for investigators that unite”. To learn more about the different levels of FALI Membership and the many benefits of becoming a member please review the information below. Our online application is the fastest gateway to join. FALI's commitment starts with the application process. Licenses and websites are checked to verify potential members are meeting required standards.  Our membership year runs 12 months from the date the application is completed.


Membership Levels: 

ACTIVE: $175. (Licensed Class C Investigators are voting members)
ASSOCIATE: $ 95. (Class CC, M, MA or Process Server)
(Non-License In-House or Out of State Investigator)
STUDENT: $ 60.
(Attending school, actively enrolled in PI/CJ/Law)
(Unlicensed person/company that provides information or services to PIs)
(License Class C Investigator) Four (4) payment options, click HERE for more information


  Click HERE to discover all the benefits of FALI membership.

Join Online or download an application and mail it in.


Active Member - granted to natural persons who hold a valid Florida Class C Private Investigator license in good standing with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Florida Division of Licensing, as defined in Florida Statutes, Chapter 493. You MUST provide Class C license number when applying for membership.

Associate Member - granted to natural persons who hold a valid Florida Class CC Private Investigator Intern, Florida Class M Private Investigator Agency Manager license in good standing with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Florida Division of Licensing, as defined in Florida Statutes, Chapter 493. You MUST provide Class CC or M license number when applying for membership. Certified Process Servers may join under this membership level upon verification with their licensing body (Sheriff's Department or Circuit Court)

Affiliate Member - granted to natural persons gainfully employed as in-house investigators as defined in Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, or private investigators living outside Florida, who meet their State and County laws and licensing regulations.

Student Member - granted to natural persons who are students of the investigative craft, attending an accredited college, university, or other school recognized by the Division of Licensing as having redeeming value to licensed investigators.

Unlicensed Specialist - granted to natural persons who are not licensed private investigators but have unique expertise, ability, vocation, or access, and provide information or services to Florida's licensed private investigators..

Life Member - granted to active members, upon request, who shall hold the same rights and privileges and be held to the same standards and requirements of active members, Life membership shall be granted after the requesting Active Member pays the applicable membership fee as provided for in the bylaws. There are several options for payment of the Life Membership dues. Click HERE for the application form.

Honorary Life Member - shall be bestowed by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors on an active member who has displayed, in word and deed, a sincere interest in the FALI mission.

Member Emeritus - The status of Member Emeritus is a lifetime membership status bestowed on a member who has been a member for 10 or more years in FALI and has retired by closing their business and relinquishing their licenses to the State. A Member Emeritus does not have voting privileges but is entitled to other privileges bestowed upon other levels of membership.

Join Online or download an application and mail it in.