C & CC Requirements

Requirements for the Class "C” Private Investigator License

An applicant for the Class "C" Private Investigator License must have TWO YEARS OF LAWFULLY GAINED, VERIFIABLE, FULL-TIME EXPERIENCE in order to qualify for the license. This experience can be acquired through a combination of actual investigative experience, college course work in a related field, or internship in accordance with the following three categories set forth in the statute:

(a) Private investigative work or related fields of work that provided equivalent experience or training.

(b) College course work related to criminal justice, criminology, or law enforcement administration, or successful completion of any law enforcement-related training received from any federal, state, county, or municipal agency, except that no more than 1 year may be used from this category.

(c) Work as a Class "CC” licensed intern. This internship is done at a licensed private investigative agency.

The applicant for the Class "C” license must also pass an examination. This examination will cover those parts of Florida law that deal directly with the business practices of the private investigative industry and the legal responsibilities of the individuals and agencies that work in that industry (sections 493.6100 through 493.6203, and section 493.6301(5), Florida Statutes). A copy of Chapter 493 and the Private Investigator Handbook are included with this application package to assist applicants in preparing for the exam.

(NOTE: This examination requirement, which took effect on January 1, 2008, also applies to individuals applying for the Class "M” Investigative & Security Agency Manager License, or a Class "MA” Private Investigative Agency Manager License).

For additional information about licensing, please visit the Florida Division of Licensing website by clicking HERE.

Requirements for the Class "CC"Private Investigator
Intern License

When applying for a Class "CC" Private Investigator Intern license, the applicant must submit proof of successful completion of a minimum of 40 hours of professional training pertaining to general investigative techniques and Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, offered by a state university or by a school, community college, college, or university under the purview of the Department of Education. 

The Department of Education (DOE) has provided a list of the schools and instructional facilities approved by DOE to provide the qualifying training for the Class "CC" Private Investigator Intern license. Please be advised that the Division of Licensing does not have regulatory authority over these institutions.

For additional information about licensing, please visit the Florida Division of Licensing website by clicking HERE.

Source: DOACS